UDR - Registry Services for .hk.com | .hk.org | .ltd.hk | .inc.hk

Universal Domain Registry (UDR) exclusive offers the following services:
Domain Registry Operation
We maintain registration and administrative data for the domain names under our namespaces and generate zone files containing the addresses of the name servers for each domain name.
Registrar Accreditation
We accredit Registrars to sell our domain names to their customers and resellers and monitor their performace. Accredited Registrars are listed on our website.
Resources and Support for Registrars
We provide technical and infrastructure support when needed to ensure an efficient and speedy registration process for end-users of the domain names under our namespaces.
WHOIS Service
We provide a WHOIS service to supply members of the public with information about the registration and availability of the domain names under our namespaces.